#22 Finito Benito

Over time, in various places in Italy, I have come to realise that traces of the past Fascist regime are endemic. In some areas it is more obvious, especially the city centre monumental architecture, and the Mussolini souvenir industry seen particularly in parts of Sicily. What I am most affected by, however, are insignia and fading invocations and slogans painted in futurist typefaces, with various levels of legibility, found in small towns and rural areas.  

It is often said that today’s Italy has an ambiguous relationship with Mussolini and Facism - indeed, not so ambiguous at all if we consider Matteo Salvini. Leaving these traces of a not so glorious past in plain sight, and even in some cases clearly uncovering and restoring them, is perhaps an indication of Italy’s never ending political turbulence. I’m not making any judgement here, I’m just observing, but I still find these traces lend a slight chill to the air.

These examples are taken from parts of Puglia, Calabria, Tuscany and Umbria.  Unusually for a me, a monochrome treatment seemed appropriate.


#23 Alberobello


#21 Impossible Archipelagos