Panoramic Puffins
Hasselblad XPan, Film Photography David Mantripp Hasselblad XPan, Film Photography David Mantripp

Panoramic Puffins

This is the first post about the results of revising my film archive through the means of DSLR scanning. I’m seeing photos in a way I’ve never seen them before, and I’m exploring shots that I would never even have bothered scanning before. It’s quite an experience.

Out of this emerges a set of XPan photos of the puffin colony at Latrabjarg, Iceland, taken back in 2004. And along with these a tale of how I came to be there and to make such a strange choice of camera for shooting wildlife.

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XPan outings
Hasselblad XPan, Photography David Mantripp Hasselblad XPan, Photography David Mantripp

XPan outings

For about a decade and a half, my Hasselblad XPan was a regular fixture in my life. I rarely went on any significant trip without it. But various things combined to make my use of it tail off. First of all my flirtation with the Linhof 612, which eventually burnt out. Then my use of the Sigma dp0 as a digital alternative. Finally, a few years ago, I decided it was time for revival, and I took it with me to the sun scorched lands of southern Puglia, were it promptly blew a fuse. This was kind of reminiscent of my first XPan tragedy in Svalbard 10 years ago, but at least this time eventually a repair was possible.

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